About Me

If you're looking to make fitness as part of your on-going lifestyle for your future then here is where you need to start.....Come and join me at one of my fitness classes in person or on-line or take on a Personal training programme and kick your fitness regime into action or discover what Community Wellness Service programmes have to offer you locally.

Lots of fun to be had by all it will help you keep fit and energised and you will benefit from a much healthier future. I always seek feedback and want your thoughts and ideas to make the workout "Work Out" for you!  I tailor make a personal training programme around your personal goals and lifestyle and make it exciting to help you reap the rewards from making fitness part of your everyday life.


Mob: 07711 318134 OR 01142459637

Email: kaye.gismo@gmail.com

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/KayeFrance